Chondropetalum tectorum 1g

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Small Cape Rush is a grass-like, evergreen perennial that forms clumps of deep green stems banded at regular intervals with dark brown joints that make it reminiscent of bamboo. In summer, stems are topped with miniscule chocolate brown flowers that resemble tiny seed pods. Adapts well to both dry and wet conditions and will grow in shallow water. Perfect in contemporary landscapes and gardens. Plant near or at the edges of a water feature or use in the landscape to suggest the presence of running water. Grow in full sun on the coast and part sun inland.It looks and grows best if not cut back. If the plant gets too large for the area, it is best to remove in clumps. In recent years, there has been a large amount of variation introduced to the market from seed grown material. In addition, there continues to be widespread confusion about the differences between C. elephantinum and some of the ‘original’ C. tectorum that were grown and introduced to the market.
Common Name:
Thatch Reed
Mature Height:
Mature Spread:
Sun/Part Sun
Flower Color:
Foliage Color:
Dark Green