Romneya coulteri 3g

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Matilija Poppy is a shrubby perennial endemic to California. Blooming in April and May with crinkled bright white petals and cheery yellow centers, its 6 to 8 inch wide flowers are one of the largest and most recognizable among California natives. It quickly spreads via rhizomes to form a dense colony of tall stems covered in dissected, grey-green foliage. Very low maintenance, it tolerates a wide variety of soil types, including low nutrient soil and needs no summer water. Good for filling hot, dry areas where not much else will grow. It will go dormant over the summer. It should be cut back to just a few inches in fall to promote new growth over the winter/spring. Best planted in a large space where it can spread out as it can grow to cover a large area and, once planted, does not like to be moved or have its roots disturbed. Flowers attract bees, birds, and butterflies. Oddly enough, although the plant is hard to control once it is established, it can be very difficult to establish in the landscape from the container. Most people report a reasonably high failure rate. But one plant can spread vigorously in just a few years. Its aggressive growth should not be underestimated.
Common Name:
Matilija Poppy
Mature Height:
Mature Spread:
Sun/Part Sun
Drought Dormant
Flower Color:
Well drained
Foliage Color:
Flower Time:
Spring - Summer