Agave bracteosa 'Calamar' 1g

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A Squid Agave selection that grows as a single rosette and rarely produces offsets. Slender, dark green leaves curl outward from the center of the plant, producing a clump of graceful arching foliage. Stays small at just 18 to 24 inches all around. After several years, it will produce a 3 to 5 foot tall spike of white flowers. Foliage can be easily broken so best if planted away from pathways and foot traffic. Leaves lack teeth and spines. Plant in full sun to light shade inland in very well-draining soil. Prefers occasional water.
Common Name:
Squid Agave Selection
Mature Height:
Mature Spread:
Sun/Light Shade
Flower Color:
Foliage Color:
Light Green