
The genus Acacia is a member of the Pea family that occurs over many continents. Many Acacias have adopted the common name “Wattle” that originated many years ago from a building style designed by early settlers. Today Acacia wood is still used in some countries to make furniture and tools. There are hundreds of species, hybrids and selections of Wattles in production throughout the world. Acacias vary greatly in foliage texture and colors. Wattles may have tiny, delicate, feathery leaves, long, leathery foliage, sickle-shaped leaves or thin needle-like foliage. Foliage colors range from gray, green, green-gray to purple and blue gray. In California, Acacias begin blooming in the winter and continue into the early summer. Acacia spectabilis Though the flowers of some Acacias may not be considered ornamental, other species, hybrids and selections have amazingly vivid white and yellow flowers. Many species of Acacia attract wildlife for food and shelter. Acacias can be found growing naturally throughout Australia’s many climates, which enables consumers to find the perfect match for any landscape setting. Some species are considered to be very drought tolerant, while other species prefer regular water. Nearly all Acacias have a high tolerance for poor soils, wind and temperatures into the 20’s. Acacias can also be successfully used for erosion control.

REQUIREMENTS: Most Acacias prefer full sun, and require little supplemental watering after established

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  • Acacia podalyriifolia 15g
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    Acacia podalyriifolia 15g

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    Beautiful small, evergreen tree or shrub. Rounded, pearl-like phyllodes (leaves) are silver-grey in color and give the plant a soft appearance. Bright, puffs of lemon yellow flowers appear at the end of branches in late winter thru early spring. Does...
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  • Acacia podalyriifolia 1g
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    Acacia podalyriifolia 1g

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    Beautiful small, evergreen tree or shrub. Rounded, pearl-like phyllodes (leaves) are silver-grey in color and give the plant a soft appearance. Bright, puffs of lemon yellow flowers appear at the end of branches in late winter thru early spring. Does...
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  • Acacia podalyriifolia flower
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    Acacia podalyriifolia 24B

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    Beautiful small, evergreen tree or shrub. Rounded, pearl-like phyllodes (leaves) are silver-grey in color and give the plant a soft appearance. Bright, puffs of lemon yellow flowers appear at the end of branches in late winter thru early spring. Does...
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  • Acacia podalyriifolia flowers/foliage
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    Acacia podalyriifolia 5g

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    Beautiful small, evergreen tree or shrub. Rounded, pearl-like phyllodes (leaves) are silver-grey in color and give the plant a soft appearance. Bright, puffs of lemon yellow flowers appear at the end of branches in late winter thru early spring. Does...
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  • Acacia pravissima 15g
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    Acacia pravissima 15g

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    Fast growing. Greenish (hint of blue) triangular foliage. Easiest way to tell apart from A. cultriformis is the overall form. A. pravissima has a narrow vased shaped form, whereas A. cultriformis has a rounded form. Great for wind breaks, hedges, screen...
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  • Acacia pravissima 24B
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    Acacia pravissima 24B

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    Fast growing. Greenish (hint of blue) triangular foliage. Easiest way to tell apart from A. cultriformis is the overall form. A. pravissima has a narrow vased shaped form, whereas A. cultriformis has a rounded form. Great for wind breaks, hedges, screen...
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  • Acacia pravissima 5g
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    Acacia pravissima 5g

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    Fast growing. Greenish (hint of blue) triangular foliage. Easiest way to tell apart from A. cultriformis is the overall form. A. pravissima has a narrow vased shaped form, whereas A. cultriformis has a rounded form. Great for wind breaks, hedges, screen...
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  • Acacia redolens 'Low Boy'
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    Acacia redolens 'Low Boy' 1g

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    Prostrate Acacia is an evergreen groundcover, ideal for slopes. Frequently used on Southern California freeways with its larger counterpart Acacia redolens, Low Boy is an extremely functional plant for slope coverage. The blue-gray phyllodes (modified...
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  • Acacia redolens 'Low Boy' foliage
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    Acacia redolens 'Low Boy' 5g

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    Prostrate Acacia is an evergreen groundcover, ideal for slopes. Frequently used on Southern California freeways with its larger counterpart Acacia redolens, Low Boy is an extremely functional plant for slope coverage. The blue-gray phyllodes (modified...
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    Acacia redolens Desert Carpet® 5g

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    A prostrate form of Acacia that’s useful in extremely dry applications with little to no irrigation such as roadside plantings. As well as remaining green it will also provide weed-smothering ground cover and erosion control. Creeping branches of...
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  • Acacia spectabilis foliage close-up/foliage
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    Acacia spectabilis 1g

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    A Wattle with various common names such as Glory, Pilliga, Golden, and Mudgee Wattle, this Acacia species is native to Australia. This fast-growing evergreen small tree (10-12' tall and 6-12' wide) thrives and adds attractiveness to the Southern...
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  • Acacia spectabilis foliage/foliage close-up
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    Acacia spectabilis 5g

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    A Wattle with various common names such as Glory, Pilliga, Golden, and Mudgee Wattle, this Acacia species is native to Australia. This fast-growing evergreen small tree (10-12' tall and 6-12' wide) thrives and adds attractiveness to the Southern...
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