Both the diversity and widespread availability of this reliably blooming plant have likely contributed to its popularity. At least one native penstemon can be found in every state in the United States. Many nurseries have introduced new hybrids to the trade, contributing to the expansion of this genus. Because of their variable size and characteristics, penstemons can be planted in a variety of settings creating a bright to pastel display of color, whether used in containers, borders, or mass plantings. As you begin to discover the vast array of penstemons, you soon realize why mild interest may turn into a passion. Hummingbirds can't resist them either.
REQUIREMENTS: Zones vary by species. Full Sun; Light shade inland. Hardy and native species require very little water; border penstemons need more water. Well drained soil is best for most and essential for the most drought- tolerant. Border penstemons are much more tolerant of heavy soils. Strongly recommend drip irrigation.